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Aalto+Aalto is a Helsinki-based design office. Elina Aalto and Klaus Aalto

Aalto+Aalto is a Helsinki-based design office working with products, spaces and exhibitions. Their aim is to create special everyday objects with a strong identity and story. They are inspired by time-tested old techniques, all kinds of factories and flea markets. Their special skill is managing to make things which are imaginative and different but still simple and timeless. Their work has been widely exhibited, is included in the collections of the Design museum in Helsinki and in Quebec and has been awarded the iF golden product design award. Aalto+Aalto are Elina Aalto and Klaus Aalto. 

Elina og Klaus Aalto eru eigendur hönnunarstofunnar Aalto+Aalto sem staðsett er í Helsinki. Þau teljast með eftirtektarverðustu hönnuðum Finnlands af yngri kynslóðinni og hanna bæði vörur, rými og sýningar. Markmið þeirra er að búa til hversdagslega hluti með sérstöðu, sögu og sterk einkenni. Verk þeirra hafa verið sýnd víða, eru hluti af hönnunarsöfnunum í Helsinki og Quebec og hafa einnig hlotið IF golden vöruhönnunarverðlaunin. Aalto+Aalto hafa nokkrum sinnum tekið þátt í HönnunarMars og Elina var meðhöfundur sýningarinnar WE LIVE HERE; samvinnuverkefnis milli Íslands og Finnlands á hönnunarvikunni í Stokkhólmi 2015.

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